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Outfit of the day!



I thought i would do an 'outfit of the day' post to help me procrastinate from doing my art coursework! It snowed over night here in England so i am also stuck inside which is so fantastic (sarcasm intended).  So here goes:


Okay so here's the full outfit. The jeans are from the MOTO sections from topshop, they are the super soft skinny ones. I had to actually get these taken in a bit at the waist to make them fit better but otherwise they are SO SO comfy and soft. The green sweat shirt/jumper is from Topshop also, although i got this second hand so i don't know when it was actually on sale.The vest top is just a standard strappy vest top from Hollister.

Ma shoes are white high top converses, i really love these as they go with pretty much everything and they are super comfy! i have left the last loop hole un-laced and tied a bow on the inside to hide the laces.


Nails are 'Mint Candy Apple' from Essie. This is literally such a gorgeous colour; out there, vibrant and all round awesome. A thing i found though, is that you really need three coats to make it look the best it can be.


All of my rings i have collected so i couldn't possibly tell you all the places i bought them from (due to the fact most of them are from markets), and this big necklace, i got from this really cool shop in france. My earings however i recently purchased from Accessorise and i am in love with them!


Please excuse the 'mess'

 So for makeup i have gone for a pretty, bright eyes and fairly neutral lips. 
>Bare study paint pot from MAC 
>Naked Lunch eyeshadow from MAC all over the lid
>Star Violet eyeshadow from MAC in the outer half, blended with a MAC 217 blending brush
>Nylon eyeshadow from MAC in the very inner corner and blended slighly 
>A thin wing of Rimmel fine line eyeliner
>No7 Fanomenal lashes mascara
>Charcoal brown eyeshadow from Mac on my brows

>Tinted moisturiser
>Rimmel Stay Matte Powder
>Nars Laguna bronzer
>Sleek Blush in sunrise

>Rimmel 180 'vintage pink' lipstick dabbed onto my lips

That's all for now folks! I hope you enjoyed this, leave a comment telling me what kinda thing you like wearing on horrible days like today!

Love from Emma xoxo

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  1. Your eyeshadow looks GORGEOUS the outer corner shade is uber pretty!

    1. Thanks Hun! I never really thought i would wear the colour but it is actually so pretty as an alternative to brown/neutrals.
