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Spring tag!


Please enjoy this photo i took when the sky was actually blue!

Good Evening!

Here i am in England. Rain, snow and more rain - It really does not feel like spring at all. However it is the first day of spring and i thought that i would do Missglamourazzi's 'I love spring tag' to try and cheer me up! So here goes:

Favourite Spring nail polish?
mmm, this is a hard one, but i think i will go with Essie's Mint Candy Apple
What is your must-have lip colour this spring?
The L'oreal Caress gloss stains! They are so gorgeous. Not too harsh either. Especially the colour 'Bonnie'
Favourite spring dress?
i would love to say i have a favourite spring dress, but i am still wearing jumpers and the only real time i wear a dress is in the summer. So i thought i would show you the dress i am going to be wearing in the show i'm in at the moment-Oklahoma!
My best friend's mum actually made this :O
What is your favourite Spring flower?
Oooh, i have to go with snow drops. These flowers are honestly so sweet, the way they come up out of the ground when it is still winter, it just gives me hope that the spring is on it's way!

Favourite Spring accessory?
I just recently got some dangly earings and i am so in love with them! I got them from accessorise and they just make me happy whenever i wear them! (photographed in the picture above).
What spring trends are you most excited about this year?
I don't tend to get that excited about upcoming trends but i am always so happy to see that all of the shops are full of colours again!
Favourite Spring candle?
I don't really burn candles all that often but i had this one that smelt of amber and it was sooo gooodddd!
Favourite body spray/perfume for Spring?
I have to go with my Lancome perfume - la vie est belle - it just smells so divine; sweet but not too overpowering.
What is Spring like where you live?
As i have already mentioned, Spring here is AWFUL! I mean it is still freezing cold and we even had snow the other day *crying*.
What is your favourite thing about Spring?
I think it has to be seeing all the flowers come out and the colours that emerge from the undergrowth!
Are you a Spring cleaner?
Not specifically a Spring cleaner - i tend to clean all round the year, i like to have a good clear out once in a while though!
Any plans for an upcoming vacation/holiday?
Yes! We finish school next week and we have two weeks of... REVISING! I am actually doing Oklahoma! the show throughout the second week so i am gunna be SO knackered!!

I hope you have enjoyed this post and i tag everyone who wants to do this!

Love Emma xox

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