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L'oreal GlamShine Stain Splash Review!


Hey there!

So, i have always eyed up the YSL glossy stains, and been so tempted to buy one, but the price tag really put me off. So when i heard that L'oreal were coming out with a really similar product i literally ran to go and get these when i heard they had eventually been released in the UK.

I picked up 3 shades as in my local Superdrug, there was a 3 for 2 offer (yay!!). These shades were '501 Bonnie', '300 Juliet' and '102 Romy'. I chose these 3 colours due to the fact that i wanted a dark pink shade hence i got Juliet, Bonnie attracted me as i thought it would be flattering on my light Olive skin tone, and i got Romy as i wanted to try a lighter pink which would be more wearable. There are a few lilacy tones but i think they would come out much more pinky. There is also a darker terracotta shade called '200 princess' but i really thought it was too orange and wouldn't be as wearable due to the fact orange is hard to wear at any other time than summer.

I had read a lot about them before hand so i was aware that they tend to dry a different colour that is shown on the outside of the tube. This really is true because although the 'window' is showing the actual product inside, when you swatch it, it really is a different colour. The colour also changes due to the amount of layers you apply. This really is not a negative point but something to be aware of before purchasing.

The packaging for these products is amazing, i love it! If you were unaware that L'oreal was a drugstore brand, i think that you would think these were high end products. They are also really small and light which is nicer than a really heavy/long/bulky lip product to carry around.

When you apply the product, it really feels as if you are applying a light layer of creamy butter, they are so soft on the lips. They are also shiny and glossy without being sticky which is such a nice change for a normal lipgloss. The first layer is often very sheer although after waiting a few moments and then applying a second layer, you start to see the true colour. This is another great aspect, the colour is really buildable and it doesn't feel like you are applying more and more sticky gloss to your lips, only intensifying the colour.

These products do have a slight scent to them which is so slight that it is hardly worth mentioning. They have the scent that most L'oreal lip products have, which to be honest i really like! However, i doubt this would put anyone off buying them. I have read reviews stating they have a strong berry scent but as a hater of berry scents, this really is not bad at all.

The staining power of these glosses appears to be very good, depending on the colour and the amount of layers (the darker and more layers, the longer lasting). The swatches on my hand have also stained, even after washing and scrubbing my hands several times!

So overall I was incredibly impressed by these products and i highly recommend them. The Price of them normally in the UK is £7.99, but with the 3 for 2 offer, these came to £15.98, around £5 each: only about 1/5 of the price of the YSL ones!

I hope you have been informed and been persuaded to go and get some of these gorgeous Lip Products!

Love, Emma xoxo

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