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My VERY quick everyday makeup


Suggestions for everyday makeup

So we all have busy lives, doing this and that. I just happen to be doing my GCSEs at the moment and all i know is that i have so little time for anything, especially doing my makeup in the morning (and maybe writing blogposts). I very often go to bed way too late and look similar to a dead person in the morning. Therefore due to these circumstances, i have had to come up with a makeup look that is very quick and effective. I still love makeup, i just simply have to swing around any complicated contouring to get to school on time. So whether you are older or younger than i am, at Collage or Sixth Form i hope you enjoy this post. The products in this post are ones i currently use, but i am sure there are other very similar products you could use to achieve a similar look!

Firstly, before any makeup, it is important that your face is clean and not full of sleep. Washing you face will not only prepare your face for makeup, it will revitalise you before you start the day. I try to use either a face scrub (Neutrogena black head eliminator) or cleanse my face - only on the days where i have one extra minute ;) (cleansers shown below) Even just to splash water over your face will be good enough if you're in a hurry.

Neutrogena Blackhead
eliminating scrub
No7 Beautiful Skin hot
cloth cleanser
Liz Earl Cleanse and
Polish cleanser

Next, once i've dried my face, i apply moisturiser. I know this may seem slightly like a waste of time when you're in a hurry but it is worth it. It'll make the next steps much easier!

Liz Earl skin repair light - combination/oily
Nivea Rich moisturising day cream - dry
sensitive skin

So the next steps really depend on the amount of time i have available. This step is when i have more time. Apply a tinted moisturiser all over your face with your fingers (or a brush) and blend it well into your neck. If you prefer foundation, feel free, but a tinted moisturiser tends to be easier and quicker to apply. On some very 'i look like a zombie' days, Rimmel's Wake Me Up foundation works a dream and looks beautiful, and is quick to apply.

Nivea Tinted Moisturiser
Garnier BB cream
- light

Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundation
-200 soft beige

Concealer is quite often my best friend on mornings like this, simply do 3 dots under your eyes using a liquid concealer - i use collection 2000 lasting perfection. Use your ring finger to pat it onto the skin under and around your eyes.

Collection 2000 Lasting perfection
concealer - Medium 3

If time is ticking by and you have only a few minutes left, miss the foundation step and apply a powder foundation/ powder/ loose powder all over  you face with a big fluffy Kabuki brush. My absolute favourite, that i have been using for years is the Rimmel Stay Matte powder. Not only does this apply really quickly, it will cover any blemishes although it is fairly sheer. Make sure you don't over do this step because too much powder can sometimes look odd and as if you are a actress from the 30s.

Rimmel Stay Matte pressed powder in 006 Warm Beige

Now for eyes. Eyes are hard because you can spend SO long on them and honestly make them look way too overdone for school. However there are those who don't apply anything and end up looking odd with a perfect face and no eye makeup. Try to come between that! I simply curl my lashes for a few seconds and then apply a couple of coats of mascara. I am always changing my mascara, but at the moment i am using No7 Fanomenal lahses. If i am going for a bit more of a defined look, i will pop on a bit of the Clinique bottom lash mascara too.

Clinique bottom lash mascara in black and No7 Fanomenal Lashes in Black

Then quickly sweep a blush across the apples of your cheeks (the bits that come forward when you grin). I would avoid using a dark blush colour or one which requires much care when applying. You are aiming to look fresh and awake so use a light pink, coral or a one with a bit of shimmer. Also, sweep some bronzer in the hollows of your cheeks to contour if you want to.

Nars Deep Throat Blush and Rimmel Pink Rose blush

Nars Laguna Bronzer

I always keep some kind of lipgloss/stain in my coat pocket so i can quickly apply it as i am dashing out of the door. I recommend using a fairly nude lipstick/gloss for school as you may not want to look too glam. I am using the Revlon kissable balm stain at the moment in 001 Honey Douce, it is a perfect colour if you just want a splash of subtle colour and it lasts for ages!

Revlon Just Bitten Kissable balm stain in 001 Honey Douce

So about 5 minutes later, you are ready to go, and not worried about scaring people away with your dark circles ;)

I really hope you've found this useful and learnt how to maximise your lie in and reduce the time you spend on your makeup ;)

Love Emma xox

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  1. nice products *_* your blog looks very lovely and interesting. im glad if you visit my blog, too <3 keep in touch!


    1. Ah, thank you so much! i checked out your blog and i think it is really cute. Yes, keep in touch. xox
