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24 Questions Tag!


Hey there, so i thought i would do this post so you would learn a thing or two about me... so, enjoy!

  1. Do you have a middle name? Yes i do indeed, it is Lucy. It is because both of my Godmothers are called Lucy.
  2. What is your favourite subject at school? Mmm well probably Textiles and art, but i also really love French and English, for lots of different reasons, but mainly because they allow me to be creative.
  3. What is your favourite drink? at a pub or party it has to bit a bitter lemon however i am a massive fan of a good cuppa'  tea.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
  4. What is your Favourite song at the moment? Ahh, this is so hard, well probably at the moment 'It's now or never' sung by Elvis Presley.
  5. What would you name your kids? April, May and June. Only joking, for girls it would be something like Belle or Pippa, and for a boy probably Max or Michael.
  6. Do you participate in any sports? Well if you call Ballet a sport, then yes... I used to do so much: Horse riding, football, Hockey, Swimming, Athletics.. but now, i have homework...
  7. Favourite book? Well for a very good adventure story, 'The Hunger Games' series but for something more classic, then its got to be 'The Book Theif'.
  8. Favourite colour? Red 
  9. Favourite animal? A dog, i just love them. But horses are very close behind. 
  10. Favourite perfume? Lancome 'La vie est Belle'.
  11. Favourite holiday? Christmas, got to love the lights.
  12. Have you graduated from high school? We don't graduate here in the UK, but i am in my final year of GCSEs.
  13. Have you ever been out of the country? How many times? I have indeed, and probably too many times to remember!
  14. Do you speak any other languages? I speak almost fluent French and i also speak some German.
  15. How many siblings do you have? One younger sister.
  16. What is your Favourite shop? I can't choose this, but probably Boots and Hollister.
  17. Favourite restaurant? There is this little Cafe in the main city near me called 'Hero's' and i love a pub lunch.
  18. Do you like school? I love school. there is a lot of work but i feel privilidged to actually get the opportunity to learn.
  19. Favourite YouTuber? I love Zoella, TanyaBurr, Bethany Mota, and Ingrid.
  20. Favourite movie? mmm, 'Titanic', 'Les Miserables', 'Angus, thongs and perfect snogging', 'the American Beauty' wahh there are so many.
  21. Favourite TV shows? Misfits is so amazing, so is Pretty Little Liars and Downton Abbey.
  22. PC or Mac? I have a PC but i really do love Macs too.
  23. What kind of phone do you have? A simple little Samsung Galaxy Ace. 
  24. How tall are you? About 5ft4, it would be nice to grow a bit more though.
From, Emma xox

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