Hey there, so i thought i would do this post so you would learn a thing or two about me... so, enjoy!
- Do you have a middle name? Yes i do indeed, it is Lucy. It is because both of my Godmothers are called Lucy.
- What is your favourite subject at school? Mmm well probably Textiles and art, but i also really love French and English, for lots of different reasons, but mainly because they allow me to be creative.
- What is your favourite drink? at a pub or party it has to bit a bitter lemon however i am a massive fan of a good cuppa' tea.
- What is your Favourite song at the moment? Ahh, this is so hard, well probably at the moment 'It's now or never' sung by Elvis Presley.
- What would you name your kids? April, May and June. Only joking, for girls it would be something like Belle or Pippa, and for a boy probably Max or Michael.
- Do you participate in any sports? Well if you call Ballet a sport, then yes... I used to do so much: Horse riding, football, Hockey, Swimming, Athletics.. but now, i have homework...
- Favourite book? Well for a very good adventure story, 'The Hunger Games' series but for something more classic, then its got to be 'The Book Theif'.
- Favourite colour? Red
- Favourite animal? A dog, i just love them. But horses are very close behind.
- Favourite perfume? Lancome 'La vie est Belle'.
- Favourite holiday? Christmas, got to love the lights.
- Have you graduated from high school? We don't graduate here in the UK, but i am in my final year of GCSEs.
- Have you ever been out of the country? How many times? I have indeed, and probably too many times to remember!
- Do you speak any other languages? I speak almost fluent French and i also speak some German.
- How many siblings do you have? One younger sister.
- What is your Favourite shop? I can't choose this, but probably Boots and Hollister.
- Favourite restaurant? There is this little Cafe in the main city near me called 'Hero's' and i love a pub lunch.
- Do you like school? I love school. there is a lot of work but i feel privilidged to actually get the opportunity to learn.
- Favourite YouTuber? I love Zoella, TanyaBurr, Bethany Mota, and Ingrid.
- Favourite movie? mmm, 'Titanic', 'Les Miserables', 'Angus, thongs and perfect snogging', 'the American Beauty' wahh there are so many.
- Favourite TV shows? Misfits is so amazing, so is Pretty Little Liars and Downton Abbey.
- PC or Mac? I have a PC but i really do love Macs too.
- What kind of phone do you have? A simple little Samsung Galaxy Ace.
- How tall are you? About 5ft4, it would be nice to grow a bit more though.
From, Emma xox